Bread for the World Offering of Letters Campaign
Dioceses across the U.S., including my own, Joliet, IL, participate in an annual letter-writing campaign on hunger issues sponsored by Bread for the World, a collective Christian voice which urges our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. The policies are well-researched, non-partisan, and rooted in faith.
- We’ll ask Congress to support reauthorization of a farm bill that builds healthy, equitable, and sustainable food systems.
- This has the support of the U.S. Bishops, and in June, Bishop Hicks of Joliet will bless letters written in that diocese!
Here are the Basics (attached):
- Bulletin Insert (English/Spanish)
- Infographic on Farm Bill
Want to learn more? (attached)
- Nutrition One-Pager
- Equity One-Pager
- Sustainability One Pager
- U.S. Bishop’s Support for Farm Bill: Letter to Congress Regarding FY 2023 Farm Bill, April 24, 2023 | USCCB
Why Should Secular Franciscans Write Letters to Congress?
Article 22 OFS Constitutions 2020 Updated Translation
1. Rule 15. Secular Franciscans should “be in the forefront … in the field of public life.” They should collaborate as much as possible for the passing of just laws andregulations.
2. Fraternities should commit themselves through courageous initiatives, consistentwith their Franciscan vocation and with the directives of the Church, in the field ofhuman development and justice. They should take clear positions whenever humandignity is attacked by any form of oppression or indifference. They should offer their fraternal service to the victims of injustice.
Pope Francis Address to OFS General Chapter, 11/15/21
“With this Franciscan and secular identity of yours, you are part of the outbound Church. Your favorite place to be is in the midst of the people…. I encourage you too to go out to theperipheries, the existential peripheries of today, and there to make the word of the Gospel resound. Do not forget the poor, who are the flesh of Christ: you are called to proclaim the Good News to them (cf. Lk 4:18), as did, among others, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, your Patroness.
May your secularity be full of closeness, compassion and tenderness. And may you be menand women of hope, committed to living it and also to “organizing” it, translating it into real everyday situations, in human relations, in social and political engagement; nurturing hope intomorrow by alleviating the pain of today.”
Michael Huck, OFS
JPIC Animator, Mother Cabrini OFS Region