Our upcoming formation day on April 6th at Mayslake will address paperwork and formation issues, providing clarity and offering local ministers and vice ministers the chance to learn from one another.
The Regional Chapter on May 18th at Mayslake will involve the election of a new Regional Executive Council. Please make every effort to attend, or send a delegate in your place to ensure a quorum. The REC Minister, Luana Lienheart, encourages each fraternity to nominate at least one person for a council position. As suggested by the NEC, we’ll now have at least TWO At-Large Councilors, along with Animator roles like Visitations and Elections, JPIC, etc. Luana Lienheart intends to run for Regional Minister and encourages others to do the same.
During this election cycle, refrain from discussing politics in fraternity meetings. Political discussions can be divisive, and unity is crucial for thriving fraternities. Stick to distributing or discussing political guidance from the US Bishops on forming consciences.
Thank you for your kindness, patience, and prayers as Luana familiarizes herself with the role of Regional Minister. We are confident that each of us has been placed in this role for a reason, and we trust in God’s plan.
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out for any needs, suggestions, or feedback for the REC.