Save the Dates! Sunday, July 31: Nominations for National Elections! If you are interested in serving in any of the elected offices for NAFRA, please contact Bob Burnham, Regional Minister for more information. The elections themselves are held in Detroit on October 15. Saturday September 10: We will have our Regional Formation Day! The topic will be on servant leadership. All our encouraged…
Category: Uncategorized
Regional Cross-pollination
Take some time to visit other fraternities in your region. Ask your minister to excuse you from a monthly gathering (or even a few) so you can go on a pilgrimage to other fraternities. Report back to your fraternity about what you experienced. Maybe this will help your fraternity get a new perspective. We are, after…
Mother Cabrini Celebration is Coming Soon! Join Us!
June-August 2016 Newsletters Now Available
Back issues of the OFS News, from June through August 2016, are now available for download on our Newsletters page. Fraternity Ministers (or delegates in charge of distributing newsletters): Do NOT use this version of the newsletter for distribution to your fraternity members. To protect our members’ privacy, we remove all personal phone numbers, postal…
June 2014 Newsletter Now Available
Download the June 2014 OFS News PDF. Fraternity Ministers (or delegates in charge of distributing newsletters): Do NOT use this version of the newsletter for distribution to your fraternity members. To protect our members’ privacy, we remove all personal phone numbers, postal addresses, and email addresses from the versions we post on our site. The…